Get creative and show us your best work! That’s what our contest is all about! We have judges who will select the best posters from all of the submissions, and the lucky winner will get a $100 gift card. So hop online and get started!
Introduce the contest and its rules.
Anyone is welcome to enter our contest and show off their creative talent! The deadline for submissions is March 1st, so get started today! There are a variety of different categories to choose from, so make sure to pick the one that best matches your artistic abilities.
The contest will be judged on a variety of factors, including originality, creativity, and technical skill. The winner will be selected based on the judges’ unanimous decision. So don’t wait to get started – enter now and you could be the lucky winner!
Provide a list of all the eligible submissions.
To be eligible for the poster contest, all submissions must be in PDF or JPG format and be no more than 10MB in size. This means that your designs will fit well on a standard 8.5×11 inch paper or they can be printed online on a high-quality printer. You are also free to use any software or drawing tools you want to create your submission, as long as it meets the dimensions and file requirements listed above.
Once your file is ready, please upload it to our online submission system. You can find the link below or on our website’s home page. Make sure to include the title of your poster, the artist’s name, and a brief description of your work.
Please note that all submissions must be received by 11:59 PM EST on Sunday, December 15th in order to be considered for the contest. Thank you for entering!
Please enter all eligible submissions here:
Discuss the judging process and how the winner will be selected.
Now that the contest has launched, it is important to understand how the judges will select the best posters. The process begins with a review of all the submissions. The judges will look for art that is innovative, creative, and inspiring. They will also consider the level of detail and creativity shown in each piece. After this, the judges will select the top three posters from each category. Finally, the winner will be chosen based on their overall excellence in the contest. So make sure to submit your best work and you could be crowned the winner!
Give tips for creating winning posters.
When creating your poster, it is important to focus on the following four key elements: design, color, pattern, and graphics.
1. Design: Make sure your poster is eye-catching and striking. Use vibrant colors and bold patterns to stand out from the crowd. Try to create a design that is as striking and memorable as possible.
2. Color: Use complementary colors to create a more harmonious look. Avoid using too many primary colors, as they will be overpowering and may clash with one another.
3. Pattern: Add a touch of pattern to your poster to add visual interest. There are many different types of patterns that can be used, from geometric shapes to brightly colored stripes and dots.
4. Graphics: Use graphics to add extra impact and ooomph to your poster. Use creatively designed fonts, images, or icons to really stand out.
If you want to show off your creative and artistic talents, enter our contest! Our judges will select the best posters from all of the submissions, and the lucky winner will get a $100 gift card! So get creative and show us your best work!